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Attendance Matters

Please call our attendance line at 970-348-2000 to excuse all absences. Emails to teachers DO NOT replace a call to the attendance line. We begin our learning as soon as the bell rings at 8:40 (Monday) and 7:40 (Tuesday-Friday) and continue learning until the bell rings at 2:50 the end of the day. It is an expectation that your child is on time to school everyday. Please call into the office before school begins if you know your child is going to be late or absent that day. We know that mornings can be difficult for students, if your child is struggling in the morning please reach out and we can support you in creating a morning routine. Once your child has missed more than 4 days of school unexcused a mandatory parent meeting with our parent liaison will be scheduled. For every day your child is absent, important learning is missed. After 7 absences, an attendance contract will be made.