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Welcome to P.E.!

My name is Valerie Cook and this is my 19th year teaching P.E in District Six. I earned both my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from the University of Northern Colorado and my Administrator’s License from the University of Colorado. 

My husband Kyle  and I have lived in Greeley for 23 years and care deeply for our community! We have been married for 19 years and have a daughter, Willow. We have two French Bulldogs, Starlee and Chico. Kyle and I also own Eaton Paint & Body Specialists–an auto body shop located in Eaton, CO.

During my freetime you will find me snuggled up with my favorite blanket, a cup of coffee and catching up on my favorite reality tv shows! My houseplants, my family & dogs, and shoes bring me joy. I look forward to another year at Meeker!

Cook Photo