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Welcome to Library/Media!

Hello Leaders! I am Mrs. Hayes and this will be my 10th year at Meeker! I love working with our students and families everyday at Meeker! I have two classrooms and can be found most of the week in the SmartLab and on Fridays in our Library. I love that I get to mix literacy and technology into my teaching.

When I am not at school, I am spending time with my family, my husband Branden and our two daughters Evangeline and Jocelynn. Evangeline will be in 4th grade this year and Jocelynn is starting Kindergarten. We spend a lot of time in the summer and on weekends camping, taking adventures, reading, and watching movies. This summer we went on an Alaskan cruise and it was phenomenal!

I am so excited for the 2024-2025 school year and can’t wait to meet, grow, and teach our students at Meeker!

Hayes Photo